Monday, December 21, 2009

Upcoming Cooking Plans

With all the snow this weekend I've been able to finalize our holiday menus. Christmas Eve is going to be our standard - Clam Chowder and Fajitas. For Christmas I've decided to make Ham in Coca Cola. I've wanted to make it for awhile and this seems like the perfect opportunity. I'm also seriously considering making this Hot Chocolate Layer Cake with Homemade Marshmallows. Because when else you have that much sugar in one meal??


Anonymous said...

Will you promise to make that cake if I promise to bring some applecake? Because yum.

Natascha said...

I don't suppose you could recommend a great breakfast recipe for 8 adults on short notice? Michael

Alicia said...

I highly recommend this ( or this ( Both are easy to make and can be prepped ahead of time. I've done then for groups of up to 60. If you're looking for more of a brunch item these ( are fantastic. My mom makes them every year for her Easter brunch.