Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not the swine flu

After getting fully vaccinated last week, yesterday I came down with something. After conferring with the doctor this morning it looks like it's just a cold. There's no fever, so they don't think it's the flu (either kind) but if I do come down with a fever they will be getting me a prescription. For the next few days it's rest and lots of fluids for me. I have been around people who had been exposed to swine flu, but the time between when I saw them and when I started to feel nasty wasn't enough time for me to get sick. The doctor said that I might be having a reaction to the shot, but not to worry. So everyone, don't worry. Mom and Gloria I'm looking at you specifically.


Anonymous said...

Wait, isn't Matt on the exposed list?

Hoping it's just the regular seasonal gunge...

Gloria said...

Hi Alicia I'll call tonight but if there is no fever I am not concerned. I think rest and fluids is good no matter what. Your father would probably be more up on this that I, but it's too early for seasonal flu, so I am thinking a cold/mild swine(Takes the vaccine some time to work, so your exposure may result in a mild case) Either way as long as your fever isn't too high or your breathing is not labored, you'll be fine - make sure Matt pampers you properly. XO