Sunday, June 22, 2008

June Updates

So, I have been told that I have been slacking the in posting department. And I have. Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.
I tried to make another souffle, this one with bacon, scallions, and cheese. There was an extra yolk and 2 strips of bacon which made this one much denser than the last. I probably wouldn't make it again. The salad was great, and the company was even better.
I made chicken stir fry with snap peas, broccoli, and scallions from the CSA. I added some peppers and carrots from the fridge so I didn't end up with a green and white dinner.
I think Matt liked the veggies.
The final product.
We've been getting the most beautiful eggs.

I love the little specks on each of the eggs. And the purple carton is awesome.

After a couple of souffles, I went back to basics this evening. Scrambled eggs and hash browns, sprinkled with scallions from this week.
My mini garden is growing well. There are a number of tomatoes coming in.
And the cucumbers are trying to come in the house.
And I love our local farmer's market. I bought this at the last one I went to.

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